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Interview The-Mary de Sarah Barrable

Here's her latest IMterview with The-Mary.

Sarah: Hello, hello!
The-Mary: Hello! Thank you so much for fitting this in when you're in frickin' Hong Kong!
Sarah: Greetings from Hong Kong!
The-Mary: What are you doing there?
Sarah: My mom is here on business and I'm just tagging along!
Sarah: Lucky me!
The-Mary: That has to be the most awesome tag along opportunity ever! Are you enjoying it? Seeing anything crazy? Had you ever been before?
Sarah: I have been able to tag along on many the adventure… You name the place I've probably tagged along to it.
Sarah: At the beginning of the summer we went to Singapore.
Sarah: I've also been all over Europe with my moms.
Sarah: Hong Kong is awesome! Everything is crazy here! There are 7 million people on a few tiny little islands, so everywhere is always hustling and bustling.
Sarah: There is an amazing buzz here.
The-Mary: Is it like New York Times ten?
Sarah: Absolutely! People complain about New York but they have never experienced HK.
The-Mary: That sounds so fun. Are you exhausted though?
Sarah: I was really jet-lagged for the first 3 days (since there's a 12 hour time difference!) but I'm okay now.
Sarah: We leave on Sunday. It's a 15.5 hour flight!
The-Mary: Oh my god! I hope you got to fly business class!
Sarah: Nope, plain old economy with no leg room.
Sarah: And my legs are like 75% of my 5'8" so it sucks.
The-Mary: Oy oy oy oy oy oy. I did that once to Tokyo, and I’m only like five feet tall and even I couldn't handle it.
The-Mary: So what's your favorite place on earth?
Sarah: My favorite place on earth… Ummmm…
Sarah: It's so hard because I'm loving Hong Kong but the elegance of Venice and Paris and the siestas in Barcelona are close behind!
The-Mary: Ooh, I love all those places. Especially Venice.
Sarah: I’ve been to venice a few times but the best was when it flooded.
Sarah: It was amazing to feel like you were walking in the canal!
The-Mary: OK so I have to ask Degrassi questions or people will kill me.
Sarah: Yes, yes… Back to serious business. Lol.
The-Mary: And I think the number one question the viewers would want to ask is what it's like to play JT's girlfriend and kiss him and hug him and hold him and be near him.
Sarah: Wow… Pretty loaded question… lol!
The-Mary: Ha, ha yes, I am so deep.
Sarah: Ryan and I have so much fun on set together and I think that shows through the TV screen.
The-Mary: Totally.
Sarah: No matter what we're doing, we're laughing.
Sarah: We know each other so well after playing opposite one another for 5 years.
The-Mary: Can I say how bummed I was that lips never got together with Chris Sharpe really? Because that would have been such a good match.

Sarah: lol, ya… It was a funny matching because Chris is so ghetto and cool and liberty is… well… just not!
The-Mary: So without getting too specific: how has it been "going there" with Liberty's new storyline?
Sarah: As an actor it is wonderful to be given the opportunity to challenge yourself and go to new places with your character.

Sarah: I think that the storyline is going to "go there" for sure but it was the right time and it's not out of nowhere.
The-Mary: Did you have any trouble imagining how Liberty would behave and feel in that situation?
Sarah: I think it is hard for anyone to really know what it is like to be in a tough situation, but as an actor you just try to live as if you were your character.
Sarah: When we were filming those episodes I would go to bed at night thinking about what it would be like to be in Liberty's situation.

Sarah: Thinking as if I were her.
The-Mary: God, poor liberty! It’s such an impossible spot to be in.
Sarah: I know… But we tell it like it is.
Sarah: The situations are, unfortunately, common and so Degrassi follows that reality.
The-Mary: Did you do any research hanging out with [top secret!] and stuff?
Sarah: Um… sort of…

Sarah: I tried not to model her emotions off anyone else's though… I had to deal with the situation in a Liberty way.
The-Mary: Right. That makes sense.
Sarah: She's so unique and when I play her I have to make sure I don't mix in how I would act versus how she would.
The-Mary: What are the biggest differences between you and liberty?
Sarah: She is much more uptight than I am. I live in the moment and embrace change… I think I have a lot more fun than she does
Sarah: Then again, we are both strong-willed and independent. I see a lot of those qualities in her
The-Mary: Indeed. So... what do you do for fun (besides travel the entire globe ;))? What’s a typical night off like?
Sarah: Shopping for sure!
Sarah: I am also really into theatre and dance.
Sarah: In Toronto, we are lucky to have a lot of amazing theatre and dance companies come from all over the world.
Sarah: We have a great film festival, documentary festival and theatre fringe festival which I go to religiously.
Sarah: Other than that, I hang out with my friends, see movies… oh and eat!
Sarah: I love to cook. And my friends and family love to eat, so it works out well.
The-Mary: Seriously, between travel and Degrassi, I can't believe you ever sleep, never mind cook :)
Sarah: lol… It's all about good timetabling and organization. I’m always on the go… but I thrive on it!
The-Mary: Ooh, do you have one of those big planners that's all stuffed to the gills with little pieces of paper?? I love those.
Sarah: yup… I have like 30 lists going at once and 300 post-it notes!
The-Mary: Awesome. And what kind of music are you into?
Sarah: I'm into just about every type of music you could think of.
Sarah: ...Except maybe country or opera.
Sarah: My favorite alternative bands are Sam Roberts and Coldplay!!!! I went to the Coldplay concert in Montreal.
Sarah: Me and my friends are hard-core fans. We saved up to take the train and stay in a nice hotel for 3 days.
The-Mary: I love Sam Roberts!
The-Mary: I love, love, love him, love that album. Don’t know why he's not bigger than god right now.
Sarah: Me too!! His sound is so unique and awesome!
The-Mary: So was the coldplay show intense? They’d have a great sound to fill a stadium.
Sarah: Oh my god! Coldplay was unbelievably phenomenal!
Sarah: I have never in my life felt so amazing as when I was listening to Chris Martin and the whole stadium sing "Fix You"!!!
Sarah: Wow!!!! It was incredible!
The-Mary: Bah. I love moments like that.
The-Mary: When you feel "together" with 20,000 people.
Sarah: Exactly!
Sarah: My playlists are so diverse… They go from ACDC to Stevie Wonder to Black Eyed Peas to Sam Roberts to Michael Jackson to the Killers to Lauren Hill.
Sarah: Oh… My favorite r & b singer is India Arie.
The-Mary: I've only heard one song of hers, I will have to check her out some more! But so, because I am a little crazy stalker, I am totally curious -- if you're on your own laptop right now, what is your desktop image?
Sarah: It is this beautiful picture I took in Scotland.
The-Mary: Oh my god! You have such a good life!
Sarah: My screensavers are on random with a few of my favorite photographs.
Sarah: I would love to be a photo journalist so I absolutely love taking photos.
Sarah: Um… I have to go to have a late dinner and sleep now. (Its 11 pm!)
The-Mary: Ok… Thanks so much for taking the time to chat! Enjoy your Hong Kong and your dinner, sleep well, have fun!
Sarah: Ciao bella!

Ecrit par brucas59 


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Ecrit par brucas59 
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